ASPO DevelopmentDonate to the ASPO Endowment Fund Donate here
My ASPO Superstar As we go along our career we come across mentors, colleagues who have made an impact on you and your life. Here is a chance to recognize them with a pin. You know someone who has showed to you that she /he is a future leader in our specialty and is truly a rising “Superstar” showcase that person as our ASPO Superstar. We want you to celebrate this person and take pictures to share it with us and you can share it on your social media. All your contributions will go towards the ASPO Development Fund you can submit your ASPO Star here. Current ASPO Superstars If you have any additional questions about the My ASPO Superstar Program please contact Liz O'Keefe at [email protected] Dr. James Sidman Endowment Fund The theme of this endeavor will center on matters related to innovation, collaboration, and mentorship within the spheres of head and neck surgery and facial plastic surgery. We feel strongly that creating such a welcoming space for surgical innovation within the Spring ASPO meeting has the potential to further elevate the Society. It is our hope that the establishment of such an entity will serve as an affirmation to the ASPO community, and other otolaryngology societies, that pediatric head and neck surgery and pediatric facial plastic and craniofacial surgery fall squarely within the field of pediatric otolaryngology. Richard J.H. Smith Young Faculty Award in Pediatric Otolaryngology Endowment Fund This ASPO endowment fund establishes the annual “Richard J. H. Smith, MD Young Faculty Award” for innovative clinical or basic science research that advances our understanding of pediatric otolaryngology. The awardee will present their research at the spring ASPO meeting each year and receive a commemorative certificate and cash award. Richard J. H. Smith M.D. is an outstanding contributor to our field of pediatric otolaryngology and the consummate academician. He is a pioneer in the discovery of genetic causes of sensorineural hearing loss. His research laboratory developed OtoSCOPE, the first clinically validated, comprehensive genetic testing panel for any disease; OtoSCOPE has proven to be the single best test to determine the cause of a child’s hearing loss. This work was funded by the NIH. Over the course of his research career, Smith has received $36 million in direct costs to study genetic hearing loss (from the NIDCD) and complement-mediated renal disease (NIDDK), specifically Dense Deposit Disease, a condition that affects one of his daughters. He has authored over 600 peer-reviewed publications and 100 book chapters and served as Editor-in-Chief of the Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology for 25 years. In addition to being the Residency Director at the University of Iowa for over 20 years, he has mentored 30 pediatric otolaryngology fellows, 22 graduate students and 26 post-doctoral students. Many of us know little of his extensive academic accomplishments but rather know him for his collegiality, dedication, professionalism, sense of humor, and most importantly, his ability to establish a healthy work-life balance in a sea of accomplishments. To donate to this fund please click here.
The ASPO Legacy Society is comprised of a group of individuals who provide support to the Association through planned gifts through one or more of the following methods: To become a member of the ASPO Legacy Society, simply notify the ASPO Development Committee of your intentions. We can provide sample bequest language for inclusion in your will or trust, or otherwise assist you with a plan that meets your philanthropic and financial goals.
Sustaining our Future Campaign Donor List Platinum ($50,000+) Joseph Kerschner, Richard Rosenfeld, & Brian Wiatrak
Diamond ($10,000+)John & Lynn Nowlin; Children’s Hospital-Boston (Manali Amin, Michael Cunningham, Dwight Jones, Margaret Kenna, Greg Licameli, Trevor McGill, Roger Nuss, Laurie Ohlms, Reza Rahbar, David Roberson, Mark Volk)
Gold ($5,000+)Harvey Coates, Marci Lesperance, Blake Papsin,& Children’s Hospital Colorado (Gregory Allen, Kenny Chan, Norman Friedman, Peggy Kelley, Jeremy Prager, Melissa Scholes, Sven Streubel, Todd Wine, Patricia Yoon)
Silver ($2,500+)Diego Preciado, Anna Messner, Pediatric Otolaryngology (Thomas Andrews, Wade Cressman, Peter Orobello, Jr.)
Bronze ($1,000+)Diego Preciado, Anna Messner, Pediatric Otolaryngology (Thomas Andrews, Wade Cressman, Peter Orobello, Jr.)
Silver ($2,500+)Cuneyt Alper, Ellis Arjmand, James Arnold, Margaretha Casselbrant, Craig Derkay, Lianne deSerres, Newton Duncan, Randall & Lisa Etzwiler, James Forsen, Carla Giannoni, Nira Goldstein, Ian Jacobs, Romaine Johnson, Jacqueline Jones, Peter Koltai, Fred Kozak, Paul Krakovitz, Carol MacArthur, Scott McMurray, Anna Messner, Ronald Mitchell, Henry Ou, Nooshin Parhizkar, Sanjay Parikh, Maria Pena, William Potsic, Brian Reilly, James Reilly, Kristina Rosbe, Michael Rothschild, Michael Rutter, Nina Shapiro, Kathleen Sie, Steven Sobol, Julie Wei, Ralph Wetmore, Ayal Willner, J. Paul Willging, Robert Yellon, Nina Yoshpe.
SupporterSamantha Anne, Mark Boseley, Emily Boss, Linda Brodsky, David Brown, Karla Brown, Farrel Buchinsky, Daniela Carvalho, Kay Chang, David Chi, Children’s Memorial Hospital (Kathleen Billings, Stephen Hoff, Lauren Hollinger, Jonathan Ida, John Maddalozzo, Jeff Rastatter, James Schroeder, Jr., Nancy Young), Robert Chun, Stephen Conley, David Darrow, Allison Dobbie, Lisa Elden, Ravi Elluru, Valerie Flanary, Vito Forte, Mark Gerber, Nira Goldstein, Steven Goudy, Lindhe Guarisco, Steven Handler, Joseph Haddad, Steven Handler, Christopher Hartnick, Cecilia Helwig, Karin Hotchkiss, Glenn Isaacson, John Jones, Judith Lieu, Meredith Lind, Deepak Mehta, Abby Meyer, David Molter, Charles Myer, Seth Pransky, Gresham Richter, Kimsey Rodriguez, Soham Roy, Scott Schoem, Scott Schraff, Allan Seid, Udayan Shah, Andrew Shapiro, Tania Sih, Jeffrey Simons, Zorik Spektor, Cecile Sulman, Dana Suskind, James Thomsen on behalf of the 2015 Membership Committee, Marc Throne, Lawrence Tom, David Tunkel, Bob Ward, David White, Carlton Zdanski