Standardized Routine Perioperative Care of the Pediatric Otolaryngology Patient


Standardization of healthcare has been proven as an effective means of improving quality, and efforts to establish standardized care protocols have been recommended by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement1. The ASPO Quality and Safety Committee encourages all divisions and practices to standardize the routine perioperative care of the pediatric otolaryngology patient.

To facilitate the development of care algorithms, the Committee has compiled those previously utilized by member Divisions and practices. These algorithms, which are reviewed by the committee bi-annually, are intended to serve as a reference for those in the society who are looking to standardize care in their local unit. Where relevant, citations highlighting algorithm efficacy have been included. For inquiries on algorithm specifics or to engage in scholarly collaboration, please contact the individual algorithm owner.

Algorithm Submission Form


Airway and Esophagology

Coin-Shaped Metallic Foreign Body (Button Battery) Ingestion Triage and Treatment Algorithm
Submitted by Lurie Children's

Button Battery Citations

Submitted by Seattle Children's

Single-Stage Laryngotracheal Reconstruction (LTR) Algorithm
Submitted by Lurie Children's

Submitted by Seattle Children's


Tonsillectomy & Adenotonsillectomy Algorithm
Submitted by Lurie Children's

T&A citations

Head and Neck

Perioperative Calcium Management in Thyroid/Parathyroid Surgery Algorithm
Submitted by LeBonheur/St. Jude

Total or Complete Thyroidectomy v3.0: Criteria
Submitted by Seattle Children's


Post-operative Cleft Lip and Palate
Submitted by Seattle Children's


Invasive Fungal Sinusitis Algorithm
Submitted by LeBonheur/St. Jude


1 Rozich JD, Howard RJ, Justeson JM, Macken PD, Lindsay ME, Resar RK. Standardization as a mechanism to improve safety in health care. Jt Comm J Qual Saf. 2004 Jan;30(1):5-14.