ASPO Mission Statement

The Mission of the American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology (ASPO) is to foster excellence in the care of children with otorhinolaryngologic (ORL) disorders by promoting education and collaborative research and to share and disseminate advances and innovations in patient care through the Annual Meeting and other venues

To accomplish this, the American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology shall:


Facilitate the creation and dissemination of knowledge about the care of infants and children with ORL disorders.



Serve as an advocate for infants and children with ORL disorders, ASPO members and others with shared goals.



Preserve and promote dedication to excellent and humane care for infants and children with ORL disorders.

Improve the value of the scientific programs:

  • To identify the obstacles to higher-quality programming
  • To identify those subject areas which would enhance the quality of the scientific program
  • To continue the anonymous submission of abstracts
  • To seek from AAO-HNS recommendations for improvement of the program, and act upon them
  • To broaden the solicitation of abstracts from related disciplines

Establish and maintain mechanisms for cooperative research:

  • To establish a registry for clinical studies, e.g. rare diseases, etc.
  • To establish a continual census of clinical and basic research in PEDORL by ASPO members
  • To explore relations with other organizations to carry out cooperative research

Examine the system(s) for the dissemination of new and valuable information concerning the care of infants and children with ORL disorders:

  • To identify the effect of the present publication system on our scientific programs
  • To explore other forms of communication and dissemination

Identify the basic science knowledge, surgical, medical, and habilitative skills that are required for providing excellent ORL care for infants and children at all levels of the health care system and to assist in the development of a curriculum for the education of PEDORL for:

  • Medical students
  • Otolaryngology residents
  • Pediatric otolaryngology fellows
  • Primary care residents
  • Allied health students
  • Continuing Medical Education (CME)
  • To establish these curricula in each of the above areas over a period of time with a cycled review of the curricula for each of the areas
  • To establish links with other organizations and/or certifying bodies that can assist in effecting these educational processes

Monitor the barriers to optimal ORL care for infants and children to set priorities and develop strategies to eliminate these barriers:

  • To monitor the level of access to PEDORL services - to encompass workforce needs
  • To develop strategies to correct deficiencies in access

Develop the mechanisms for rational advocacy of PEDORL:

  • To acquire, analyze, and disseminate data that demonstrates those areas where PEDORL provides cost-effective medical and social benefits
  • To develop a newsletter for ASPO
  • To develop national public relations strategies

Document the value of an integrated approach to the care of the patient with ORL disorder(s) and its family:

  • To study other disciplines, especially Pediatric Dentistry, which have done extensive work in this area
  • To document the impact on child and family